Lakeside Chautauqua Ohio
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Soon after Rev. John H. Blackburn began his ministry at the Methodist Episcopal Chapel in 1899, he held a seven-week revival. He had so many conversions that the chapel (now Heritage Hall) could no longer hold the bulging congregation. It was fortunate that another building was available near Fifth Street and Central Avenue. In 1883, the Order of the Good Templars began construction of a building that was intended to be used as their summer headquarters. The Templars ran out of money and abandoned their plans. The church purchased the property for $1200, an amount which would cover a lien held on the property and unpaid taxes. The Ladies Aid Society agreed to assist by paying the $300 down payment. Enough money was raised to cover all additional bills and the “Brick Church” was dedicated on July 29, 1900.
Disaster struck on Sunday morning, October 20, 1929, when a huge fire destroyed the church, a local print shop and over 26 cottages. The church parsonage was the only structure left standing in the area. The Great Depression and World War II prevented the congregation from rebuilding for several years. Sunday services were held in Orchestra Hall, while Sunday School and other church organizations met in the Ladies Aid Hall (now Heritage Hall). By 1950, enough money had been raised to begin construction of the new church and ground was broken on the last Sunday of the Lakeside season.
Many changes have occurred over the years including the addition of pews, wood trim, carpet, heating and air conditioning, a sound system, and a pipe organ. The parsonage was moved across the street to make way for the construction of a new Educational Wing in 1966.
The Lakeside United Methodist Church is the only year-round church in Lakeside. Many guests and summer vacationers enjoy attending church services and engaging in the many activities that are available. The church is very active with organizations that include Bible Study groups, United Methodist Women, United Methodist Men, Adult Choir, Bell Choir and Vacation Bible School. Visit Lakeside United Methodist Church for more information.